
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crystal Mt.

that is my Aunt Charlene and jasper walking up to my aunt and uncles lodge at Crystal Mountain Resort.

billiken is the name of the club/co-op/lodge that they belong to.  it was built by a group of boeing engineers mid last century.
it is gorgeous and lovely and enormous.
and 25 families share it.
that's me in my retro-vintage nineties purple and neon columbia jacket.  and jasper in the middle.  and my awesome Uncle Steve on the left. 
My Uncle has been on ski patrol for 55 years!
yep, 55 years!
at his 50 year mark he was honored at Crystal by having an entire run renamed after him.
if you ever ski upper Ferk, middle Ferk, or lower Ferk at crystal, you are skiing my uncle Stever Ferkovich's run.
jasper and i on the gondola
us after a long day of sweet skiing.

thanks aunt charlene and uncle steve!
we cant wait to come back for skiing and in the summer time to have a picnic at the top of the gondola overlooking mt. rainier.
and we want to do the horseback ride too!
thanks for all the fun,

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