
Monday, May 17, 2010

Evelyn Evelyn!

OK, so Blogger is not being nice to me again and keeps trying to publish this post, half done, and it wont let me align left!  Bugger!

No matter!  Evelyn Evelyn!  August and I are going to see this performance on Wednesday night at the Showbox Market.  If you aren't busy, you should check it out!  Not sure if tickets are still available though, and it wouldn't surprise me if its sold out. 
 Do you love weird, wacky, cabaret, vaudeville, burlesque, theatrical, craziness like I do?  Yes?  Then this is right up your alley! 
Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley are the duo behind Evelyn EvelynAmanda was/is part of the Dresden Dolls and Jason Webley is also a well known accordion player who Chad and I saw in Portland last summer when he opened for Neko Case or The Avett Brothers, can't remember which. 
Anyhow, Amanda is married to Neil Gaiman.  Yes, THE Neil Gaiman.  And as Kirsten so aptly put it, "you're supposed to be impressed right here!"  
Look up all three of these cats and see if you might want to check them out the next time they roll thru town or out there on the inter web.  Fun, Fun, Fun!

Check this out on YouTube and prepare to be smitten:

See what thrills you, have fun, and be happy!

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