
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cashmere Schmazmere

I dont know about you but I have a storage tub full of cashmere sweaters that have been awaiting my attention. I'd say half of them have been felted down and half are begging to be washing machine felting. The ones that have been felted have been a great source of amusement for making fun hand/wrist warmers and some funky sweaters. Amazingly, one of the the thickest, most gorgeous vintage sweaters, felted perfectly down to the size of my rather big-for-his-age 6 year old. He is delighted beyond what I can express in words and is always asking, "Mom, can I wear 'the sweater'?" As if its the only swaeter he has. But if you could feel how soft and warm this little sweater is, you would want to wear it every day too. And to make it even more desirable, it has ended up with the sweetest woodland scene on it! I LOVE wool and cashmere! So versatile to use and design with since once felted you can cut to your hearts content and no unraveling occurs. Love it! So with the rest of the scraps from those other felted cashmere sweaters in the tub, I came up with this woodland scene that is so darn tootin cute, I can't stand it, and I want one for me! I tend to make myself the more deconstructed looking, slap it together, and call it a sweater, kind of sweaters. I'll post some pictures of those too as I wade thru all the completed and half finished projects I have goin' on around here. So here, for eye candy and hopefully inspiration, are a couple photos of "the sweater." Most of the appliqued pieces were machine stitched on and then a few of the pieces I added embroidery to give them more definition. There is the big tree, a bird nest with eggs, a bird, a mushroom and a yellow bunny! J wanted a gnome but we couldnt figure out where to squeeze him in so he will be on the next one, probably a vest, that I do for him. The bigger the applique, the easier it is to maneuver and manipulate. The mushroom is layered and machine stitced and also hand stitched. Just depends on how intense and time consuming you want your objects to be that determines which process you use to get there. I will try to post soon on some of the handwarmers and other sweaters I have done or are working on currently. Enjoy! And spend some time felting and sewing for yourself or someone you love. It will make you happy!

1 comment:

  1. Love that vest!!! Inspired me to make one for Rowan that HE WONT WEAR,,,,,,,wtf


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